Are You Ready For The Launch- Radio app Provides Nonstop Enjoyment Anywhere And Everywhere

Australians are a bunch of music lovers. They love to listen to all kinds of music and enjoy life. Radio stations are very popular there and strive to provide all kinds of services to their listeners. Believe it or not, Australia has over 250 commercial and public radio stations. According to a research group GfK, Australians spend around 6 hours of a week to listen to their favorite shows on radio. This shows how much they enjoy and find time to listen to these shows. Studies have proved that in spite of so many online channels and streaming programs, almost 65% of the shows listened to are on the Radio.

RadioApp is the latest launch which is the result of combined efforts of the radio stations in Australia.
It was introduced to the world at the Commercial Radio Australia conference in Melbourne on Friday morning (Oct. 7). RadioApp will be launched by November end. All the Apple and Google stores will have the App free to download .The best part of this RadioApp is that listeners will be able to find a radio station near them whatever platform they are using.

The Australians will no longer be limited by geographic limitations of radio waves air reach. They can tune into radio stations provided they have a mobile signal. This superb App has been developed by All in Media. They have introduced a wake-up and doze off function. This helps the listeners to wake and doze off listening to a particular station. This venture shows how a strong collaboration exists across both commercial and public broadcasters in Australia. It is the first time that the Australian networks have created their own platform and is surely something that Australian listeners can be very proud of.

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Get Ready To Say Hello To One Of The Longest Direct Cable Systems In The World

Does the Acronym PLCN seem familiar? If any of you are wondering what that stands for, here goes. PLCN stands for Pacific Light Cable Network. It is a new subsea cable spanning the Pacific. This is being constructed under the combined partnership of Facebook, Google and Pacific Light Data Communication.

PLCN is one of the longest cable networks connecting Los Angeles and Hong Kong directly. It is also going to be one of the highest-capacity trans-Pacific systems. The initially estimated design capacity is 120 Tbsp. It will have 12,800 km of fiber and transmit 120 terabits of data per second between Los Angeles and Hong Kong.

PLCN provides great flexibility to the users. For previous versions of subsea cables, the system vendor would provide the initial optical equipment. This was dependent on the technology that was available during the period the cable was contracted. However, PLCN gives the parties involved complete independence in selecting its optical equipment. Also, equipment refreshes and modifications can be brought about as and when optical technology advances even during the construction of the system. This project is being built by TE SubCom. The costs are expected to go down as technology advances. Also, the bandwidth rates will increase at a rapid pace.

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